By Fallon Bourgeois

When Nykola Killam talks about the J & W Murphy scholarship she received prior to starting university, she remarks, “It’s incredible that people can be so generous and make such a difference. I hope someday I can help people in the same way.”

The fact is the first-year Bachelor of Arts student has made a big difference in the lives of others….even the Lieutenant General of Nova Scotia recognized it.

Last year, Nykola received the Lieutenant General Award for her volunteer work in her community of Liverpool. The certified swim instructor and nationally certified lifeguard started the program, Ripple Effect, which offered swimming lessons to grade 2 students in her community who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity. But her inspiration went far beyond the pool.

“When I was in grade 11, my cousin passed away from cancer,” says Nykola. “He was always giving back to his community and it was very evident that he made a remarkable impact in his short life. I’ve always loved the sport of swimming. Swimming lessons offer both confidence and safety around the water; it’s an experience and learning opportunity the kids may not have had.”

Nykola admits when she began the program she hoped it would become bigger and have a further ripple effect in the community.

And that’s exactly what happened. Last fall, as Nykola was completing her first term of university, The Region of Queens Municipality officially launched the Ripple Effect program, which recognizes and celebrates the contributions and efforts of volunteers in Queens County.

Humbled by the sentiment, Nykola hopes people recognize how giving back to one’s own community can have a huge impact.

While she’s excited about everything happening in Liverpool, she’s also savouring the new experiences that come along with university. And the generosity from the scholarship is never far from her mind.

“I’m inspired by people who believe in me, that includes my own family and those who have awarded me this scholarship. It gives me the confidence to work hard and make everyone proud.”

And if her past accomplishments are any indication, there is no doubt Nykola will do just that.