Time & Location

3:30-5 p.m.
Dalhousie University Club
6259 Alumni Crescent

Event Details

Come celebrate Homecoming and 150 years of English at Dalhousie! We will be announcing the winners of the “Evolving English” contest (see details below).

We hope that the prize winners (and others) will be on hand to read their submissions at the party. Please come along, and stay for cake!

FASS alumni, friends and family are welcome to this event.

Refreshments will be served, and there will be a cash bar.


Please help us celebrate the English department’s 150th birthday by submitting a short (less than 250 words) reflection on the theme “Evolving English.”

How is English changing as a field of study? Why does English continue to matter in the contemporary world (for example: creative expression, cultural literacy, communication, and careers)?

All genres are welcome. Creativity and irreverence are encouraged!

Send your submission to genevieve.macintyre@dal.ca by October 5, 2015.

There will be two prizes of $150. One will go to one of our alumni of the Dalhousie Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the other will go to a current FASS student. Winners will be announced at this party!

*Note: It is not required to submit a contest entry to attend this event.


Please reply by October 5 to Genevieve MacIntyre, FASS Faculty and Alumni Communications Officer, at genevieve.macintyre@dal.ca. In your message, please indicate how many people will be in your group.