We are thrilled to return to St. John’s after several years!

Please join our dean, Dr. Ben Davis, and Dr. Leigha Rock, director of the School of Dental Hygiene, to reconnect with your fellow alumni and catch up with the Faculty of Dentistry.

During our reception, we will be presenting Dr. Jason Noel (DDS’00) with his 2022 Outstanding Alumni Award which he was unable to receive due to post-tropical storm Fiona.

Please reply to assist with our planning. You are welcome to bring a guest.

Light refreshments will be served. Check out the venue, Gahan House! We look forward to seeing you soon.

St. John’s CE Day

The Faculty of Dentistry’s Office of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is organizing a full CE Day at Johnson Geo Centre, Celestial Gallery in St. John’s on November 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Session includes:

  • Managing endodontic complications following dental trauma
  • Ridge Preservation: Evidence-Based Approach, Rationale, and Expected Outcomes

Learn more and register