Join us for the 2023-2024 Shaar Shalom Lecture featuring guest speaker Anna Maria Tremonti, current events journalist, podcaster and former host of CBC Radio’s ‘The Current.’

Unbraiding Shame, Blame and Pain

In the course of examining the lingering effects of her own short-lived and violent marriage in a podcast called Welcome to Paradise, journalist Anna Maria Tremonti realized her sense of self-worth remained entangled in feelings of shame, self-blame and pain. By telling her story, she not only found a way to unbraid those complex emotions and let them go, she understood how that potent combination affects so many others. She asks – what if we all found a way to let those feelings go? How would it affect the way we see ourselves, judge ourselves, and judge others?

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This Open Dialogue Live event is free and open to the public. Please register to attend in person or to join virtually via live stream.

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