Dr. Claude Caldwell (MSc’75) gave advice to Dalhousie Agriculture grads during their convocation last week. The Truro Daily covered his advice and caught up with Dr. Caldwell about his time at Dalhousie both as a student and professor.

By Emma Geldart

“It’s a beautiful day.”

For more than 20 years, Dr. Claude Caldwell has made it a point to address almost every class he’s taught in China with these four words.

It was no different for recent Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture graduating students.

“If you remember nothing else today, remember it is a beautiful day,” he spoke to the Class of 2018 during their convocation ceremony.

Claude, now retired as a professor from Dal AC but remaining as Professor Emeritus on the campus, shared wisdom and insight with the Class of 2018 during his address.

“When thinking about my convocation address, I decided to think about when I was in their seat and what I would have liked to know,” Claude explains. “I picked three simple things that I know to offer as advice to students.”

Claude’s insightful advice to students: be present, life is not a competition, and any day can be a beautiful day if you choose it to be.

“The key to happiness and success is to be present in the moment. You have a chance at making everyday a beautiful day if you start it right.”

Reflecting on his time at Dal AC, Claude explains the reason he stayed so long were the varied opportunities he was given.

“I have 34 years of experience, not one experience 34 times,” he explains.

With so many experiences under his belt, it’s difficult for Claude to pinpoint a favourite part of his time spent on the ag campus. Claude reflects on his time spent helping students open their minds and how rewarding it was for him.


Read the full story in “This is ag: Dal AC graduates given sound advice for the future” on trurodaily.com