Douglas Robertson (BComm'80)

Douglas “Doug” Robertson (BComm’80) is committed to retaining local talent in Atlantic Canada. As the president and CEO of Venn Innovation, Inc., he works to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic development in New Brunswick through a variety of skills-based programs and strategic partnerships.

In 2010, Robertson founded the Moncton-based company as Tech South East, but the name has since changed to Venn Innovation in order to reflect the province-wide focus of its programs. His company aims to change the perception among youth and other job-seekers that viable opportunities only exist outside of the region. Venn programs, including InspireNB and Vennture Garage, are aimed not only at youth but also at more mature adults who are starting or expanding a business venture.

Robertson has drawn inspiration from around the world to support innovation and development in New Brunswick, learning from communities including Austin, Texas and Oulu, Finland. He remains committed to applying these lessons in support of local talent in the Maritimes, and believes that cooperation is fueling innovation in Atlantic Canada.

Read more in “N.B. centre’s programs reach out to young people” on

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