Glen Fewer (BSc'02) and Mike Targett

A new collaboration is underway in Cape Breton, aiming to modernize the area’s fishing sector and create new sources of employment.

Fishing and technology experts are coming together through a pilot project called Tech Opportunities in Fisheries, hosted by Startup Cape Breton and Louisbourg Seafoods.

Glen Fewer (BSc’02), manager of J.K. Marine Services, a company under the Louisbourg Seafoods umbrella, and Mike Targett, executive director of the UIT Startup Immersion program at Cape Breton University, brought together experts for a first meet-up last week.

Fewer feels that technology experts will bring a new perspective to the challenges and opportunities encountered by fishing companies, helping them become more efficient, preempt problems, and capitalize upon opportunities arising from technological advances.

At the same time, Fewer explains, the partnership will allow technology experts to create jobs for themselves.

By creating opportunities to combat out-migration from Cape Breton, the partnership will ultimately strengthen communities and boost local economies.

Read more in “Fishing, tech sectors join forces in Cape Breton to modernize, create jobs” on

Photo credit: Tom Ayers (Cape Breton Bureau)