Justine Fedak with husband Conrad, and daughter Alessandra.

Raising a young daughter, running marathons and negotiating major deals for professional sports teams are just a few things Justine Fedak (MBA’01) has managed to do while battling Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Since her diagnosis in 2001, Fedak has continued to forge her way to the top of her field. She is now senior VP and head of brand, advertising and sponsorships for BMO Financial Group, North America.

Fedak has also been recognized for her contributions to MS awareness, fundraising and research.

She recently received the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award for exceptional accomplishments in career and community service, awarded by the Dalhousie Alumni Association.

Fedak spoke to the Hamilton Spectator about overcoming obstacles, and the secret behind her remarkable success.

Read more in “Justine Fedak pays it forward, MS and all,” on thespec.com.