Michele McKenzie (BRec'81)

Michele McKenzie (BRec’81) has been appointed interim CEO of Tourism Nova Scotia Corp., and she intends to leave a mark on the organization that is anything but transitory.

During her term, McKenzie will primarily focus on helping Tourism N.S. establish itself as a new Crown corporation. She also plans to work with industry, community and provincial leaders towards substantial goals, including the doubling of annual tourism revenue in Nova Scotia from $2 billion to $4 billion by 2024.

McKenzie completed a Bachelor of Recreation at Dalhousie in 1981, a degree which she has put to use in successful leadership positions with the Greater Halifax Partnership; the Canadian Tourism Commission; and the Tourism, Culture and Heritage Department of Nova Scotia. This notable professional experience, along with her Dal degree, will help McKenzie steer Tourism N.S. towards challenging but ultimately attainable goals of growth.

While McKenzie is not interested in becoming permanent CEO of Tourism N.S., as she has transitioned to consulting, she’s taking her interim role very seriously and intends to leave a lasting impact.

Read more in “McKenzie plans to make the most of Tourism N.S. stint” on thechronicleherald.ca.

Photo credit: Dean Casavechia