Protect your family and make a difference with legacy giving

Dalhousie is pleased to introduce our new benefits provider Willfora, a free resource to help make creating or updating a will easier than ever for Dalhousie alumni. Willfora allows you to create a legal will online in 20 minutes or less, at no cost to you. Having an up-to-date will is important to ensure your loved ones are supported and your wishes become reality. Without a valid will, the laws in your region of residence will decide how your assets are distributed and who should care for minor children or pets. Creating a will gives you the peace of mind of a well-thought-out plan.

This important document can also be a powerful force for good. When creating a will with Willfora you can decide to support causes that are important to you. With Willfora you can achieve your philanthropic goals with a legacy gift to the causes and initiatives that mean most to you, including those at Dalhousie University. Think of a legacy gift as a donation from your estate, a gift to the future. Whatever your motivation for giving, a legacy gift lets you make a bigger impact than you might have thought possible—while still ensuring your loved ones are looked after. By remembering Dalhousie in your estate plans, you can make a difference that lasts beyond your lifetime.

As a member of the Dal alumni community, you have a host of benefits and services available to you. We have developed partnerships with trusted companies such as Willfora to bring you preferred rates and special promotions via our Alumni Benefits Program. Take advantage of discounts and special offers from local, national and international providers on everything from hotels and restaurants to theatre tickets and more by signing up to the Alumni Benefits Program today!