Beijing Alumni Ambassador

Ding Fan graduated from Dalhousie in 2014 with a Bachelor of Management degree. Ding spent 9 years’ career in entrepreneurship and innovation, international relations, business attraction, newcomer support, and community building in both Canada and China.Since Ding landed in Halifax in 2010, she has supported the Chinese community at Dalhousie and in Halifax in many ways. Ding has helped more than 2,500 newcomers to Halifax on various topics, organized more than over 500 events and programs in both Canada and China, and attracted innovative start-ups from different countries to Nova Scotia. Along with her leadership at the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia, and the establishment of the Nova Scotia International Network Society, Ding was nominated as Top 25 Canadian Immigrants, awarded as the Top 25 Immigrants in Maritime, Nova Scotia and HRM Volunteer Award, and Top 30 under 30 Innovators in Maritimes. As a former student, Ding was the International Student of 2012-2013 and the Board of Governor Award winner of 2013-2014. Under her leadership, the Dalhousie Chinese Students and Scholars Association was also awarded as the Most Impactful Culture Society of 2013-2014.Besides her regular jobs in the public sector, she is also a career consultant and a Youtuber (in Mandarin). Ding continues to shine her way through volunteering and supporting communities. It is her pleasure to serve as the Alumni Representative after several years of involvement and looking forward to making the alumni community bigger and stronger in China!

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