Kwame Anthony Appiah, NYU, CCEPA lectureTime & Location

7 p.m.

Alumni Hall, University of King’s College
6530 Coburg Road, Halifax

[Rescheduled from February 9th due to weather.]

Event Details

Lecture presented by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs, in partnership with the Segelberg Trust, the School of Public Administration at Dalhousie, and the University of King’s College.

Sharing with Strangers: Compassion through the Arts and Humanities in an Age of Globalization

Kwame Anthony Appiah
Professor of Philosophy and Law, New York University

With the rise of the modern nation state, human beings have come to identify with large collections of people: Canadians with Canada, Chinese with China, Americans with the United States. That identification is possible because citizens absorb national narratives and participate in national cultures. So history, literature, sports and the arts are central to the unity of a nation. Because citizens are too numerous and too various for them to know one another, this unity, and care for one another, has to be made in the imagination. In a globalizing world we need a sense of shared global citizenship. And it, too, must be found through the cultural work of the imagination.

Free to attend. You can also watch it live: