Dr. Tyler Zemlak

Dr. Tyler Zemlak (right) and fellow Vantij founder Ashraf Abusharekh.

Startup experts Ed Leach (BComm’72) and Dr. Mary Kilfoil (PhD’98) are the directors of Summ’er UP, an accelerator program for first-time entrepreneurs.

The eight-week program offers entrepreneurs like Dr. Tyler Zemlak (PhD’11) – creator of the Vantij app – the necessary tools for succeeding in business. These include working space, mentorship, and startup capital.

Modelled after similar courses at schools like Stanford and MIT, the Summ’er UP program provides startup owners like Dr. Zemlak with a foothold in the risky world of entrepreneurship.

Read more in “From idea to prototype in 8 weeks with Dalhousie program” on thechronicleherald.ca.

Photo credit: Tim Krochak/Herald Staff